Built Entirely Network

Private HedgeFund

Private Fund Management in the Financial Markets. 

Information Technology

IT  Business Consultation


Real Estate / Commerce

Affordable Housing Advertisement and E-Commerce

About us

At Built Entirely Network Limited, we are not just a company – we are a collective embodiment of innovation, expertise, and passion. Established with a vision to reshape industries through technological advancement, strategic insights, and a commitment to excellence, our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: to build a network that encompasses the entire spectrum of modern business needs.


BEN is not just a network; it's an evolution. It's a convergence of businesses, systems, connections, and innovations. Picture a universe of thriving resources. Under the canopy of BEN, a multitude of ventures blossom, nurtured as the babies of our network. Each venture benefits from the collective strength, the active partnerships that define BEN's essence.